Visit the region

The area around Cransac offers many interesting attractions and sites to visit. Here are a few suggestions of places to see near Cransac:


Around 30 kilometers from Cransac, Conques is a medieval village famous for its abbey, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Sainte-Foy Abbey is a remarkable example of Romanesque architecture.


Located around 40 kilometers from Cransac, Figeac is a town rich in history, with a well-preserved old town. You can visit the Champollion museum, dedicated to the deciphering of hieroglyphs.


Around 50 kilometers from Cransac, this medieval bastide has a large central square surrounded by arcaded houses. The collegiate church of Sainte-Marie is also a not-to-be-missed site.


The Aveyron prefecture, Rodez, is around 50 kilometers from Cransac. Highlights include the Notre-Dame de Rodez cathedral and the Soulages museum, dedicated to the contemporary artist Pierre Soulages.

Grotte de Niaux:

If you're interested in prehistoric art, the Grotte de Niaux is about 150 kilometers from Cransac. It houses cave paintings dating from the Magdalenian period.

Bastides of Rouergue:

The region boasts several bastides, fortified towns built in the Middle Ages. In addition to Villefranche-de-Rouergue, you can explore other bastides such as Najac and Sauveterre-de-Rouergue.

Aveyron gorges

For nature lovers, the Aveyron gorges offer spectacular scenery. Activities such as hiking, canoeing and visiting picturesque villages are all possible in this region